TBR to Meet in Quarterly Session June 23-24 at Northeast State; Board Considers Tuition Recommendations, Policies on Firearms

The Tennessee Board of Regents will meet in regular quarterly session at Northeast State Community College in Blountville on Friday, June 24, following a day of committee meetings on June 23.

Committee meetings will begin at 1 p.m. EDT Thursday in the 1st Floor Theater of the Wellmont Regional Center for the Performing Arts. Committees will meet in this order: Audit, Finance and Business Operations, Personnel and Compensation, Academic Policies and Programs and Student Life, External Affairs, and Workforce Development.

On Thursday, the Finance and Business Operations Committee will vote on approval of the minutes of its June 7 special meeting, which includes recommendations for tuition and fee rates. In addition, the External Affairs Committee will consider a new policy on firearms and other weapons in response to recent revisions to Tennessee law. The full Board will meet on Friday, when members will vote on both committees’ recommendations. The Board meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. in the same location.

Also on the agenda will be consideration of a recommendation from Middle Tennessee State University to remove the name Forrest Hall from its ROTC building. If the Board takes action, the recently enacted Tennessee Heritage Protection Act of 2016 would then require a request for waiver be submitted to the Tennessee Historical Commission for consideration.

Other new business to go before the Board includes:

  • Criteria for the selection of the next Chancellor for the TBR and president of Jackson State Community College;
  • Report of the Finance and Business Operations Committee Meeting that includes approval of tuition and maintenance fees as well as funding for operations for the 2016-17 fiscal year;
  • Report of the Personnel and Compensation Committee Meeting that includes faculty promotional increases and approval of the system compensation plan recommendations;
  • Building naming request from Walters State Community College;
  • Resolutions of appreciation for Walters State President Wade McCamey, Regent Tricia Farwell and Regent Nick Russell; and
  • Election of the vice chairman for 2016-2017.

A full agenda and meeting materials are available on the TBR website at https://www.tbr.edu/board/june-2016-quarterly-board-meeting.

All meetings are open to the public and the press as observers. Any member of the public or media who plans to attend should contact Sonja Mason at sonja.mason@tbr.edu or 615-366-3927 before noon CDT Wednesday, June 22, so access can be arranged. The meetings are also accessible to view via live streaming video at https://www.tbr.edu/board/june-2016-quarterly-board-meeting.

Anyone with a disability who wishes to attend should contact Mason to request services needed to facilitate attendance. Contact may be made in person, by writing, by e-mail, by telephone or otherwise and should be received by noon June 22 as well.

The College System of Tennessee is the state’s largest public higher education system, with 13 community colleges, 24 colleges of applied technology and the online TN eCampus serving approximately 140,000 students. The system is governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents.
