Getting to Know Our Students Survey (Fall 2019)

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Purpose of Project: The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of our students’ attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of college.

Procedures: There are several phases to this project. You are being asked to complete this survey during the first two weeks of the semester and again during the last two weeks of the semester. Completing the survey should take no more than 15 minutes.  If you are unable to complete the survey when you first start it, do not close the survey window. As long as you leave the window open you may return to the survey to complete it.  PLEASE NOTE:  Once you complete the survey, submit it and print the verification notice and share it with your teacher(s). It is possible that you will receive this study request in more than one of your classes this semester. Only complete it one time.

Risks/Benefits: There are no personal risks or benefits associated with completing this survey.  Your time is what we are asking you to contribute. Over your college career, we may contact you as part of a smaller group to complete additional measures for us.

Confidentiality: We will follow your academic experiences during the coming year and beyond. In order to do this, we will need to collect your student ID# and your home institution. By participating in this study, you are giving us permission to access your academic records and to potentially contact you during the coming year in order to complete a few brief measures related to your college experiences. All of your data will remain strictly confidential – meaning that only the researchers will have access to it. Only summary data from all students in your college and all institutions across the TBR system of schools will be made public.  No teachers or administrators from your own college will have access to any of the data which can be connected to you personally.  Once all the data have been collected, the personally identifiable information will be destroyed.

Principal Investigator/ Contact Information:  Dr. Heidi Leming, Vice Chancellor, TBR Office of Student Success ( or 615.366.4482)

Technology: The survey experience is most effective when taken on a computer rather than a hand held device. Please note that some answers may be difficult to select if using a phone/iPad/tablet. 

Participating in this project is voluntary, and refusal to participate or withdrawing from participation at any time during the project will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you might otherwise be entitled. All efforts, within reason, will be made to keep the personal information in your research record private, but total privacy cannot be promised; for example, your information may be shared with the Tennessee Board of Regents Institutional Review Board. In the event of questions or difficulties of any kind during or following participation, you may contact the Principal Investigator as indicated above. For additional information about giving consent or your rights as a participant in this study, please feel free to contact the Principal Investigator.
