The following institutions currently accept SAILS Statistics completion in place of learning support/remediation math requirements for Math 1530: Introduction to Probability & Statistics and Math 1010: Math for General Studies.
TBR - The College System of TN
Community Colleges
Chattanooga State Community College
Cleveland State Community College
Columbia State Community College
Dyersburg State Community College
Jackson State Community College
Motlow State Community College
Nashville State Community College
Northeast State Community College
Pellissippi State Community College
Roane State Community College
Southwest Tennessee Community College
Volunteer State Community College
Walters State Community College
The following institutions currently accept SAILS Statistics completion in place of learning support/remediation math requirements for Technology Foundations.
Please Note: TCAT bound students must complete either the SAILS Statistics and SAILS TCAT modules OR SAILS Statistics and SAILS Algebra modules to be exempt from math remediation. SAILS is not applicable to students entering Allied Health programs.
TBR- The Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCAT)
TCAT Athens
TCAT Chattanooga
TCAT Covington
TCAT Crossville
TCAT Crump
TCAT Dickson
TCAT Elizabethton
TCAT Harriman
TCAT Hartsville
TCAT Henry/Carroll
TCAT Hohenwald
TCAT Jacksboro
TCAT Jackson
TCAT Knoxville
TCAT Livingston
TCAT McKenzie
TCAT McMinnville
TCAT Memphis
TCAT Morristown
TCAT Murfreesboro
TCAT Nashville
TCAT Northwest
TCAT Oneida/Huntsville
TCAT Pulaski
TCAT Ripley
TCAT Shelbyville
The following institutions have accepted SAILS Statistics completion in place of learning support/remediation math requirements for Math 1530: Introduction to Probability & Statistics and/or Math 1010: Math for General Studies (or equivalent). SAILS cannot guarantee that acceptance will continue at any institution.
The SAILS Central Office will assist enrolled postsecondary students in petitioning the recognition of the SAILS Statistics completion credential at private and out-of-state institutions.
Contact the SAILS Central Office at 615-365-1518 for assistance.
TN Public Universities
Austin Peay State University
East Tennessee State University
Middle Tennessee State University
The University of Memphis
Tennessee State University
Tennessee Tech University
University of Tennessee Southern
Private and Out-of-State Institutions
Bethel University, McKenzie, TN
Johnson University, Knoxville, TN
LeMoyne-Owen College, Memphis, TN
Maryville College, Maryville, TN
Milligan University, Milligan, TN
South College, Nashville and Knoxville, TN
Tennessee Wesleyan University, Athens, TN
University of North Alabama, Florence, AL

Contact Us
Phone: 615-365-1518 | Email:
SAILS Completers
Are you having trouble getting your SAILS completion recognized at your college? If so, please contact our office. We may be able to help.