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A "master" course is defined as a course that has a common syllabus developed collaboratively and used by all sections. It would include common agreed upon learning outcomes, common core assessments, and agreed upon formula for issuing a grade. If you are entering data for a master course, please mark "multiple," below. All other courses should be marked as "one" below.
The audit of a master course should include all sections within the master course. Any content changes to the master course need to be monitored for accessibility.
All syllabus formats must contain the same content.
In this section, handouts and content should not include publisher materials. Please include a list of those materials in the "Publisher Material" section.
Special Directions:
1. Faculty should reference the Accessible Instructional Materials and Technology (AIMT) Conformance Webform to identify whether the material has already been assessed for accessibility. Indicate a response on the chart below.
2. Accessibility documentation for materials not already assessed will need to be requested. The Procurement and Adoption Considerations Guide details this process. Indicate dates of request and completion on the form below.
If you have more than 5 publisher materials, please upload excel file below with the additional material information.