Board of Regents’ committee chairs, Personnel & Compensation Committee & Audit Committee to meet June 1

The Tennessee Board of Regents’ committee chairs will meet June 1 to preview proposed revisions to board policies and the draft agenda for the full board’s June quarterly meeting, and receive informational reports on various programs and initiatives. The Personnel and Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee will also meet consecutively following the committee chairs meeting.
The Board of Regents governs Tennessee's public community colleges and colleges of applied technology comprising the College System of Tennessee.
Chairs of the board’s standing committees will convene at 8:30 a.m. CT, Wednesday, June 1. The Personnel and Compensation Committee will convene immediately after the committee chairs adjourn, and the Audit Committee will follow the Personnel and Compensation Committee.
The meetings will be held by teleconferencing and live-streamed and archived on the TBR website at, except for a portion of the Audit Committee required by state law to be confidential. Anyone needing direct access to the meetings, other than the live-stream, may contact Board Secretary Mariah Perry at or 615-366-3927 by 3 p.m. CT Tuesday, May 31. Material for all three meetings will be posted for review on the TBR webpage above.
The committee chairs meeting is informational, with no votes or official action. TBR staff will present proposed changes in these TBR policies: Fees, Charges, Refunds, and Payments at Community Colleges and TCATs; Institutional Financial Performance Review; Alternate Work Arrangements; Faculty Compensation During Summer Session; Outside Employment and Extra Compensation for Additional Assignments; Commissioning of Law Enforcement and Security Personnel, and Sick Leave. The proposed policy changes will be officially reviewed by the appropriate standing committees, and if recommended by the committees, acted on by the full Board at the June 16-17 TBR quarterly meeting.
The committee chairs will also hear reports and updates on competency based education, proposed changes in the primary service areas of Dyersburg State and Jackson State Community Colleges, and on reimagining the community college experience.
The June 1 Personnel and Compensation Committee agenda includes review and consideration of approval of a systemwide compensation strategy.
The Audit Committee agenda includes reporting on Fiscal Year 2022 third quarter audit highlights, systemwide internal audit updates, university updates, FY 2022 internal audit plan revisions, and review of the systemwide internal audit budget for FY 2023.
Full details, the live-stream and meeting materials will be posted here:
The College System of Tennessee is the state’s largest public higher education system, with 13 community colleges, 24 colleges of applied technology and the online TN eCampus serving approximately 140,000 students. The system is governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents.