Board of Regents quarterly meeting is June 13 at Jackson State Community College

The Tennessee Board of Regents will hold its next regular quarterly meeting Thursday, June 13, at Jackson State Community College. The agenda includes, but is not limited to, consideration of recommendations for tuition and fees for Academic Year 2024-25, capital budget requests for Fiscal Year 2025-26, appointment of the next president of Tennessee College of Applied Technology Elizabethton, and a new associate degree program in nuclear technology at Roane State Community College.
The board will convene at 1 p.m. CT in the Ayers Auditorium of the Ned R. McWherter Center on the Jackson State Community College campus, 2046 North Parkway, Jackson, TN, immediately following a presentation on campus activities by Jackson State and Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Jackson and Crump starting at 12:30 p.m.
The meeting will be livestreamed and archived on the TBR website at The full agenda and board materials are posted at the same meeting link. Those wishing to attend the meeting, in lieu of the livestream, may contact Dr. Mariah Perry, Board Secretary, at or 615-366-3927 by 4 p.m. CT Wednesday, June 12, for security access or accommodations.
On Friday, June 14, the board will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony for TCAT Jackson’s new Stanton Campus at 8285 Highway 222, Stanton, TN. The public is invited and encouraged to RSVP at Doors open at 11:15 a.m. and the ceremony is scheduled for 12 noon.
During its Thursday meeting, the board will consider tuition and mandatory fee increases totaling 4.88 percent at the state’s technical colleges and from 4.58 to 5.37 percent (an average of 5.2 percent) at the community colleges, as recommended by the board’s Finance and Business Operations Committee in a May 29 meeting. More details, including college-by-college rates, are here and in the board materials at the meeting link above.
In other action, the board will consider capital budget proposals for college construction and renovation projects for Fiscal Year 2025-26. The board’s approvals will go to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, the next step in the budget process for higher education institutions.
The board will also consider Chancellor Flora W. Tydings’ recommendation to appoint Heath R. McMillian as the next president of TCAT Elizabethton. McMillian is currently president of TCAT Jackson, where he led development of the college’s new Stanton Campus. Prior to moving to Jackson in May 2022, he served as executive director of economic and workforce development at Northeast State Community College and director of Northeast’s Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing. TCAT Elizabethton President David Hicks is resigning June 28.
If his appointment is approved, the board will consider search criteria for the next president of TCAT Jackson.
Other items on the board’s agenda include, but are not limited to, personnel policy revisions, president emeriti contracts, various compensation proposals, a new Associate of Applied Science degree program in nuclear technology at Roane State Community College, new program proposals at the colleges of applied technology, promotion and tenure recommendations at the colleges, estimated budgets for Fiscal Year 2024 and proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 2025, election of the board’s vice chair for 2024-2025, and resolutions of appreciation for outgoing Board Members Vanessa Pilkinton and Layah Garton and retiring TCAT Henry/Carroll President Willie Huffman.
The board will also receive informational reports on accreditation, the TBR Strategic Plan in Action, the restructuring plan for the system’s Office of Policy and Strategy, and a capital projects update.
Persons who want to request to address the Board may follow the process authorized by
TBR Policy – Requests to Address the Board.
The June board meeting will be livestreamed here:, where board materials are also posted.
The College System of Tennessee is the state’s largest public higher education system, with 13 community colleges, 24 colleges of applied technology and the online TN eCampus serving approximately 140,000 students. The system is governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents.