Rad Tech Students Win Knowledge Bowl

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Volunteer State Community College
Rad Tech bowl winners

Students at Volunteer State Community College took first place in a competition of Radiologic Technology knowledge recently. It was part of the annual meeting of the Tennessee Society of Radiologic Technologists. They’re the professionals who perform x-rays and other radiographic imaging of patients in hospitals and clinics. Teams of four students from across Tennessee competed in a single elimination student bowl. There were a total of ten teams participating. The Vol State team of Leslie Williams, Chelsey Odum, Lindsey Bullock, and Meagan Foss won all four rounds of the competition, taking home first place. The students will graduate with their class in May of 2017. For more information about Rad Tech at Vol State visit www.volstate.edu/RadTech. Pictured: The winning Vol State team, left to right: Leslie Williams, Meagan Foss, Chelsey Odum, and Lindsey Bullock.