Open Meetings September 8

Three open meetings will be held at the Tennessee Board of Regents central office on Wednesday, September 8, beginning at 10:30 a.m. CDT. The schedule is as follows. • 10:30-12:00—Audit Committee (agenda here) • 12:45-2:00—Committee Chairs (agenda follows) • 2:00-3:00—Ad Hoc Committee on Capital (agenda here) The agenda for the Committee Chairs meeting is as follows: 1. Opening remarks (Regent Thomas / Chancellor Manning) 2. Guest – Carolyn Baldwin Tucker, Chair of the TSU Alumni Association – Nashville Chapter’s Committee on SACS Reaffirmation

3. Update on Complete College Act Implementation (Chancellor Manning)

4. Finance and Business Issues (Vice Chancellor Sims )

5. Tenure Upon Appointment (Vice Chancellor Short)

6. FMAP Funding (Vice Chancellor Gregory)

7. Recognition of ETSU’s Foundation taking possession of Valleybrook Farm (Chancellor Manning)

8. Review draft of the September Board Agenda (Chancellor Manning)

All meetings will be held in the board room at the TBR central office and are open to the public and the press as observers. The meetings are not available by telephone. Please contact Mary Morgan at or by telephone t 615-366-4414 by the end of the day Tuesday, September 7, if you plan to attend any of the meetings so clearance by building security can be arranged.

The College System of Tennessee is the state’s largest public higher education system, with 13 community colleges, 24 colleges of applied technology and the online TN eCampus serving approximately 140,000 students. The system is governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents.
