Board of Regents next quarterly meeting is March 30. Agenda includes proposed policy revisions, building namings, new technical college programs, updates on major initiatives and more.

The Tennessee Board of Regents will hold its next quarterly meeting Thursday, March 30 at 9 a.m. CT at the TBR system office, 1 Bridgestone Park, Nashville. The meeting will also be live-streamed and archived on the TBR website at
The Board of Regents governs the College System of Tennessee – the state’s public Community Colleges and Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCATs).
The meeting agenda includes informational reporting and updates on the Reimagining the Community College Experience initiative, the TBR Strategic Plan, dual enrollment of high school students in college classes, the high-school-to-college pipeline, accelerated courses, and new data tools. Staff will also present informational updates on legislation and state budget proposals affecting the system. Chancellor Flora W. Tydings will also present her report to the board.
The board will consider revisions to three existing TBR policies – on Academic Retention and Readmission at the TCATs, Councils, and President Emeritus designations related to retirement – and a proposed new policy on Mass Communications; new programs proposed at the TCATs; faculty emeriti recommendations; building naming requests at Nashville State and Walters State community colleges, and resolutions of appreciation honoring former Regent Yolanda Greene and newly retired Presidents Roland Rayner of TCAT Memphis, Stewart Smith of TCAT Athens and Myra West of TCAT Livingston.
The complete agenda, an executive summary and full board materials are posted at the March 2023 quarterly board meeting link above. Anyone wishing to attend the meeting, in lieu of the live stream, may contact Board Secretary Mariah Perry at or 615-366-3927 by 4 p.m. CT Wednesday, March 29, for security access or accommodations.
Persons who want to request to address the Board may follow the process authorized by TBR Policy – Requests to Address the Board.
The meeting will be live-streamed and archived on the TBR website at, where the complete agenda, executive summary and board materials are also posted.
Persons who want to request to address the Board may follow the process authorized by TBR Policy – Requests to Address the Board.
The College System of Tennessee is the state’s largest public higher education system, with 13 community colleges, 24 colleges of applied technology and the online TN eCampus serving approximately 140,000 students. The system is governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents.