Tennessee Council for Career and Technical Education (TCCTE)The Tennessee Council for Career and Technical Education is dedicated to advocating for top-tier Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Our mission is to ensure students are well-prepared for success in post-secondary education, their careers, and life.

The Council's responsibilities include:

  • Analyzing and reporting on the distribution of spending for CTE in the state.
  • Assessing the availability of CTE activities and services within the state.
  • Advising the state board of education.
  • Providing reports to the governor, business community, and the public on enhancing CTE.

Our goals are to address the challenges, needs, and barriers to high-quality CTE programs and offer input on creating a unified vision for the future of college, career, and technical education.


TCCTE Biennial Report



Contact Us

Please contact us today regarding Career and Technical Education!

Vicki Bunch
Executive Director
e: vicki.bunch@tbr.edu
p: 615-365-1515

Tracy Kortuem
Coordinator of Operations
e: tracy.kortuem@tbr.edu
p: 615-365-1596