Call For Presentations
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It is time for those of you who have a special skill to help your fellow Summit attendees to provide your proposals for placement in our schedule. This conference needs you to share your innovative ideas, your clever developments and your ways of using existing applications in a creative manner.We ask YOU, the professional support staff, administrators, and faculty from Tennessee and surrounding states who are using Banner® from Ellucian to submit abstracts to present at this conference. If YOU do, as the presenter for each proposal invited to participate, YOU will have all-conference registration fees waived. Proposals from non-TBR institutions are especially encouraged; we want YOU! We will consider every proposal because we want YOUR participation. We need YOU and the summit success this year depends on YOU.
Sessions can be in any of the following seven formats:
Papers – Best Practices, Lessons Learned, etc.
Presentations could consist of a paper describing best practices, lessons learned, management issues, how –to, etc. They might also include a short demonstration. Q&A and handouts are strongly encouraged.
Participants who attend these sessions will have the opportunity to view how a piece of software works along with capabilities and limitations of the software. Some commentary on the administrative strategies behind the software would aid in the review.
Conference workshops include the participation of a limited number of attendees in learning activities designed to develop their expertise in a specific area. Hands-on activities are highly encouraged.
Panels consist of a coordinated presentation of a related paper and/or discussion by multiple speakers, each offering a perspective on a common issue(s) with time for Q&A. A panel should include a coordinator who submits an Abstract describing the common theme and listing the individual presenters and their topics. Use of supporting technology, audience participation, and state of the art topics are strongly encouraged.
Birds of a Feather
Participants share problems and solutions regarding topics or products of broad general interest to the administrative community. The presentation should be such that it will stimulate considerable audience participation, i.e. panel discussions, small group sessions or informal group interactions.
Vendor Presentation
Vendors who wish to present must submit an Abstract of their presentation and they are encouraged (but not required) to include an institution of higher education who is using the product or service in an innovative manner.
Abstracts should be received no later than August 30th to receive complete consideration for presentation.
To ask questions about the conference, please send your message to or @TennesseeSummit on Twitter.