Dr. Daryl A. Carter named associate editor of 'Critical Conversations'

Dr. Daryl A. Carter named associate editor of 'Critical Conversations'

JOHNSON CITY (July 16, 2014) – An East Tennessee State University history professor is the associate editor of a forthcoming new journal that is expected to play a role in shaping state economic policy and drawing students and faculty to universities and colleges in Tennessee.

“Critical Conversations: An Interdisciplinary Journal” will be published online by the Tennessee Board of Regents’ Office of Academic Affairs, and the first issue is slated to appear this fall.  It is designed to complement Gov. Bill Haslam’s “Drive to 55” initiative, which aims to bring the percentage of Tennesseans with college degrees to 55 percent by the year 2025.

Dr. Daryl A. Carter, an associate professor and graduate coordinator in the ETSU Department of History, was selected as associate editor by senior editor Dr. Pamela Knox, TBR associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs.  Dr. Greg Sedrick of the Department of Engineering Technology at Middle Tennessee State University is coordinating video for the project.

“The purpose of ‘Critical Conversations’ is to highlight not only research by faculty across the state, but also the practical implications of that research for economic and workforce development and to help policymakers make decisions,” Carter said.  “It highlights the goings-on within TBR institutions with a heavy message on the benefit higher education has on the economy.

“Videos are being produced now across the state with chairs of excellence and other faculty members about their research, why it makes them excited, and why it should excite students and policymakers.  The publication will be directed to funding agencies, the state legislature, K-12 teachers and university faculty who wish to learn more or promote the research in which people in various fields are engaged.”
