IT Service Road Map

Establish how to most effectively support the current anf future information system needs of TBR stakeholders including the Universities, Community Colleges, TCATs and the Central Office

Bring value-added capabilities to shared enterprise systems for administrative functions

Establish a roadmap to strengthen IT Services

Identify organizational capabilities that support institutional needs and student success










Start Date: 
January, 2016
Completion Date: 
September, 2016
Project Status: 
Project Category: 
Project Notes: 

Final BerryDunn report issued

Gaps in service from Central IT recognized include:

Lack of clarity and agreement on services and expectations

Service management is ad-hoc

Communications and sustainable planning for IT are not effective

Opportuntities are not being leveraged

Potential consulting services are resource contstrained

TBR Central office IT should focus on developing services that can help to reduce the institutions adsministrative and back office IT support needs

Allowing institutions to repurpose IT resources to support student success

Project Owner: