Defect corrections to Personnel Budget Reports

Corrections to Personnel Budget Reports: NZRBD01, NZRBD09, NZRBD10, NZRBD12, NZRBD13, and NZRBD15

Start Date: 
October, 2016
Completion Date: 
December, 2016
Project Status: 
Project Category: 
Project Notes: 

Request from TBR DBAs to remove rows from the parameter table, GJBPRUN, when budget programs, NZRBD01, NZRBD09, NZRBD10, NZRBD12, NZRBD13, and NZRBD15 (TBR Only), are run.

The request also includes the removal of rows after completion of the reports from a temporary table, NZRBTMP, that is created during the execution of the budget programs, NZRBD01, NZRBD09, and NZRBD12.

The defects have existed since the inception of the reports.

Removed NZRBD15 from the release for the schools since it is a TBR only version of the program. An update will be sent out later for TBR


Project Owner: 