Committee appointed to leading search for next president of Dyersburg State Community College

A Search Advisory Committee that will lead and assist the Tennessee Board of Regents' search for the next president of Dyersburg State Community College has been appointed and will meet for its orientation session and a public forum on Aug. 18.
Board of Regents Member Greg Duckett will chair the 17-member committee, which also includes Regents Mark George, Nisha Powers and Emily J. Reynolds; representatives of the college’s faculty, staff, students and alumni, and business and community representatives from the Dyersburg area. The complete list of members is below.
Dr. Karen Bowyer announced in May her plans to retire, effective December 31, 2021, after 37 years of service as president of Dyersburg State Community College and nearly 50 years of service to higher education. She is the third president in the college’s 52-year history.
The Board’s goal is to have her successor selected by the end of the year to ensure an orderly transition.
The Search Advisory Committee will hold its first meeting, an orientation session for its members, and a public forum on Aug. 18. Both will be held virtually via Zoom teleconferencing, due to rising levels of COVID-19 cases in the area. The forum, designed to give the public and campus community an overview of the search process, will start at 1 p.m. Central, with the orientation session for committee members following. Anyone who wishes access may contact Board Secretary Sonja Mason at or 615-366-3927, by 9 a.m. Central on Aug. 18, for access information.
The Search Advisory Committee will review applicants and nominees for the next president and recommend up to three finalists. The finalists will be announced and introduced to the community in campus interviews and public forums. Afterward, TBR Chancellor Flora W. Tydings will conduct final interviews and review input from the campus community and the public to select one candidate for recommendation to the Board of Regents. The executive search firm Greenwood/Asher & Associates is assisting the search.
The Tennessee Board of Regents approved criteria for the next president at its June 18 quarterly meeting, and invites applications and nominations for the position. Full details – including the presidential criteria, how to apply and submit nominations, and information about the college – are posted on the TBR website at
Dyersburg State was established by Tennessee General Assembly in 1967 and held its first classes in 1969. The college primarily serves seven counties adjacent to or near the Mississippi River: Crockett, Dyer, Gibson, Lake, Lauderdale, Obion, and Tipton counties. In addition to its home campus in Dyersburg, other primary campuses are the Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County in Covington and the Gibson County Center in Trenton. More information about the college is also available on its website,
Members of the Search Advisory Committee:
Regent Greg Duckett, Chair of the Search
TBR Board Member
Regent Emily J. Reynolds
TBR Board Vice Chair
Regent Mark George
TBR Board Member
Regent Nisha Powers
TBR Board Member
Dr. Christy Hamilton
Faculty Representative
Assoc. Professor of Nursing and Chair of the Faculty Assembly
Ms. Cindy Williams
Faculty Representative
Assoc. Professor of English
Mr. Ollie Myrick
Student Representative
SGA Representative
Ms. Arie L. Milam
Student Representative
Ms. Carmen Pfeifer
Professional Staff Representative
Counselor/Career Services Coordinator
Mr. Danny Walden
Alumni Representative
Immediate Past President of the Alumni Association
Member of the DSCC Foundation Board of Directors
Ms. Jackie Cherry
Support Staff Representative
Division of Nursing
Dr. Sharron Burnett
Administrative Staff Representative
Vice President, Finance and Administration Services
Dr. Jimmy Barham
Administrative Staff Representative
Dean of Arts and Sciences
Mr. Jeff Agee
Business Community Representative
First Citizens National Bank
Chair of the DSCC Foundation Board of Directors (alumnus of DSCC)
Dr. Kevin Cook
Business Community Representative
C & C Pharmacy
Mr. John Lannom
Business Community Representative
Lannom Law Firm
Forcum-Lannom Construction Co.
Mr. Larry White
Community Representative
White and Associates Insurance Company
The College System of Tennessee is the state’s largest public higher education system, with 13 community colleges, 24 colleges of applied technology and the online TN eCampus serving approximately 140,000 students. The system is governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents.