Northeast State Community College Presidential Search Advisory Committee appointed. Public forum set for April 27
The Search Advisory Committee leading the Tennessee Board of Regents' search for the next president of Northeast State Community College has been appointed and will meet for its orientation session and a public forum Wednesday, April 27.
Board of Regents Member Miles Burdine will chair the 17-member committee. Other members are Board Members Emily J. Reynolds and Danni B. Varlan, and representatives of the college’s faculty, staff, students and alumni, and business and community representatives from Northeast Tennessee. The full list of search committee members is below.
The committee will meet by teleconferencing for an orientation session for its members and a public forum Wednesday, April 27. The forum, which provides the public and campus community an overview of the search process, is scheduled for 10 a.m. ET at this Zoom link: Anyone needing assistance may contact Stephanie Barham, Northeast State chief of staff, at or 423-279-7633, or Eric Morritt, assistant director, multimedia and theatre services, at or 423-354-5173
The committee will review applicants and nominees for the next president and recommend finalists. The finalists will be announced and introduced to the community in campus meetings and public forums. Afterward, TBR Chancellor Flora W. Tydings will conduct final interviews and review input from the campus community and the public to select one candidate for recommendation to the Board of Regents, which will appoint the president.
Dr. Bethany Bullock stepped down as president of Northeast in March and Tydings appointed Dr. Connie Marshall, the college’s vice president for academic affairs, to serve as interim president.
The Board of Regents approved criteria for the next president during its last quarterly board meeting March 31. The Board invites applications and nominations for the position by June 3, 2022. Full details – including the presidential criteria, how to apply and submit nominations, and information about the college – are posted on the TBR website at
Academic Search Inc., an education executive search and consulting firm, is assisting.

Northeast State is a comprehensive community college whose main campus is in Blountville. The college primarily serves Carter, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi, and Washington counties and enrolls more than 5,500 credit-seeking students and over 1,200 non-credit students. In addition to the main campus in Blountville, Northeast delivers programming at campuses in Elizabethton, Gray, Johnson City, and Kingsport.
Members of the Search Advisory Committee:
Miles Burdine, Chair
Member, Tennessee Board of Regents
Emily J. Reynolds
Vice Chair, Tennessee Board of Regents
Danni B. Varlan
Member, Tennessee Board of Regents
Chris McCartt
Kingsport City Manager
Community Representative
Dr. Carol Cole
Professor of Business
Faculty Representative
Ross Roberts
Assistant Professor of Education
Faculty Representative
Claudia De La Torre
Student Representative
Ella Fennell
Student Representative
J. Michael Ramey
Evening Coordinator, Kingsport Center for Higher Education
Professional Staff Representative
Dr. Donna Farrell
Dean of Technologies
Administrative Representative
Dr. Susan Graybeal
Vice President for Institutional Excellence & Student Success
Administrative Representative
Jo Starling
Programs & Services Coordinator, Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing
Staff Representative
Heath Guinn
Sync Space
Alumni Representative
Lottie Ryans
First Tennessee Development District
Business Community Representative
Brian Miller
Eastman Chemical Co.
Business Community Representative
Peter Raber
Aldebaran Financial Insights
Business Community Representative
Robert Arnold
American Electric Power Co.
Business Community Representative
The College System of Tennessee is the state’s largest public higher education system, with 13 community colleges, 24 colleges of applied technology and the online TN eCampus serving approximately 140,000 students. The system is governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents.