TBR High Impact Practice Statewide Conference
The 2022 TBR Statewide HIP Conference is an opportunity for faculty, staff, and administrators to come together to share evidence-based high-impact practice implementation and assessment. A focus of the statewide conference will be to highlight ways institutions can utilize teaching and learning centers to support faculty in providing quality HIP courses that reduce student achievement gaps. Breakout sessions will include presentations focused on TBR designated HIPs with reports from recent SERS and Course Revitalization grant recipients on what’s working well and lessons learned. Faculty, staff, and administrators with an interest in scaling HIPs at their institution are encouraged to participate.
Conference Details, Registration & Travel Information
Access to Virtual Sessions can be found below within the agenda tab.
*Conference Registration is open to TBR Community College, TCAT, and System Office Representatives Only.
- In-Person Attendees: December 20, 2021 - Closed
- Virtual Keynote Only Participants: January 9, 2022
For questions regarding the conference, please contact Dr. Melynda Conner, HIP Specialist
Keynote Presentation
Collaboration and Innovation: The Role of Community Colleges in a Digital Economy (Fabiola Riobe)
Breakout Session 1
Study Abroad and International Education
Technology Enhanced Learning (Cloud Range Pilot Program)
- Session Recording
Cloud Range Pilot Presentation Slides
Technology Presentation - Chuck Whiting
- Raquel Adams Presentation
Undergraduate Research
- Session Recording
Undergraduate Research_TBR Conference Presentation_Elvira Eivazova
Reading Writing and Researching
CTL Directors/CAOs: Transforming the Culture - Addressing Issues in Faculty Professional Development (Kirsty Fleming)
Breakout Session 2
Service Learning
- Session Recording
2022 Volunteer Tennessee Service Learning Opportunities
Technology Enhanced Learning: Animated Video Technology, Storytelling, and Student Engagement
Honors Education
Student Employment
Breakout Session 3
Global Cultural Awareness: The New Kid on the Block
Technology Enhanced Learning: Utilizing e-Portfolio
Work-Based Learning
CTL Directors/CAOs: Fidelity in HIP Assessment (Jillian Kinzie)
January 2022 Conference Resources
Resources will be available after the conference.
January 2021 Conference Resources
General Session Recordings
- HIP Conference Intro Video
- Dr. James Lang Keynote
- Flower Darby Keynote
- Dr. Michelle Miller Keynote
- Dr. Mays Imad Keynote
- HIP Next Steps: Marketing & Coding (Dr. Melynda Conner)
Keynote Presentations
Dr. James Lang
Flower Darby
Dr. Michelle Miller
Dr. Mays Imad
Dr. Melynda Conner: HIPs Next Steps Marketing and Coding.pdf
Breakout Session 1
Teach Students, Not Content
Incorporating International Education in Virtual Environments
Course Revision Grant Group 1: HIPs in English
Breakout Session 2
Honors Online
Student Voices Project
Course Revision Group 2: HIPs in STEM
Breakout Session 3
Managing Service Learning
Course Revision Grant Group 3: HIPs in Social Sciences & Arts
- Session Recording
- Scaling Undergraduate Research: Melodee Alexander (Recording)
PSYC 1030 & PSYC 2130 Dunlap & Trotter.pdf
Keynote Speakers

Fabiola Riobe
Fabiola Riobe is the Associate Provost of Academic Innovation, Online Education, and Global Opportunities at the State University of New York Rockland Community College (SUNY RCC). As an international researcher, expert, and education advocate, dignitaries, and executives across the world applaud her business acumen and academic accomplishments. In her previous role as the President of Community Colleges for International Development (CCID), she brought together some of the world's most leading education experts to foster the exchange of proven strategies and cultivate relationships within the education, business, and government sectors.
As a former Fulbright English Teaching Assistant award recipient, her passion for language instruction has gone unscathed. After leading many initiatives with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) enhancing educational technologies and language assessments, she migrated to North Africa. She was known there as "Madame Fabiola", the founding director and master teacher of the American Language Center of ELJ. She left a legacy that reinforced the relationship between the people of the Kingdom of Morocco and that of the United States of America through cultural exchange and language communities.
Raised in the outskirts of New York City, educated in Paris, Montreal, and Dakar, Fabiola has worked across the European and African continents. She has firsthand knowledge of the importance of technology and a global perspective in today's workforce and academic spaces. In her current role, Fabiola's rich multi-cultural heritage and blended family lineage are what fuels her passion for bringing about global competency in communities that need it most.

Regina Banks-Hall, DBA
Dr. Regina Banks-Hall is currently the Dean of Graduate & Professional Studies for Cleary University in Howell, Michigan. She received her B.A. from Baker College in Flint, Michigan, her MBA from the Baker College Center for Graduate Studies, in Flint Michigan, and her DBA from Walden University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Banks-Hall has co-authored and authored several anthologies on leadership, purpose, and destiny for women. She is the author of Fall Forward Your Purpose is Waiting for You, and the author of Handle Your Business: A Step-by-Step Blueprint for Small Business Startups.
Dr. Regina Banks-Hall is a professor, certified motivational speaker, teacher, trainer, and coach with the John Maxwell Team. She is the Founder of RBH Professional Development Institute. RBH Professional Development Institute provides leadership development, small business coaching, human resource management services, corporate training, vision board workshops and seminars for organizations and individuals.
In her spare time, she produces motivational videos, plays golf, and volunteers her time helping individuals discover their gifts and talents. You can reach Dr. Banks-Hall by email at rbanks-hall@cleary.edu, regina@rbankshall.com, or by phone at (866) 600-6322.
Social Media Links

Amy Cicchino, Ph.D.
Amy Cicchino received her PhD in English from Florida State University. Currently, she is Associate Director of University Writing at Auburn University, an office under the Provost that supports ePortfolios, writing in the disciplines, the Miller Writing Center, and writing-enriched curriculum. Before working in higher education, Amy spent seven years as a English teacher, teacher trainer, and department chair. Her research takes up writing instruction, high-impact practices, ePortfolios, and writing administration and has been featured in publications
like the International Journal of ePortfolios, ePortfolio as Curriculum (2019), the Online Literacy Open Resource, and WPA: Writing Program Administration. She is active in HIPs in the States; the Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence- Based Learning; and the Association for Writing across the Curriculum.

Kirsty Fleming, Ph.D.
Kirsty Fleming,Ph.D. serves as the associate vice president for Faculty Affairs at CSU Long Beach, where she works to foster an inclusive climate through faculty professional development, faculty hiring, retention, reappointment, tenure, promotion, compensation, and labor relations. Previously, she served as dean of the College of Natural Sciences at CSU, San Bernardino, as Executive Director for the Kentucky Center for Mathematics, as a department chair at Northern Kentucky University and as a faculty member at Central Michigan University. Kirsty received her B.Sc. from the University of London and Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham, both in mathematics.

Jillian Kinzie, Ph.D.
Jillian Kinzie, Ph.D. is Associate Director, Center for Postsecondary Research and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Institute, Indiana University School of Education. She conducts research and leads project activities on the effective use of student engagement data to improve educational quality and issues of teaching and learning, and serves as senior scholar with the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) project. She is co-author of Assessment in Student Affairs (2016); Using Evidence of Student Learning
to Improve Higher Education (2015); One Size Does not Fit All: Traditional and Innovative Models of Student Affairs Practice, Second Edition (2014), and Student Success in College (2005/2010).

Jennifer Lasater
Jennifer Lasater, Vice President of the Center for Career Advancement, Purdue University Global and Past President, National Association of Colleges and Employers.
As Vice President of the Center for Career Advancement, Jennifer manages a team of 50+ staff at Purdue University Global, collaborating with employers, academics, and students to ensure successful graduate outcomes. Before joining Purdue Global, Jennifer held various roles in Career Services and has a background in recruiting and staffing
Jennifer is considered a national expert in Career Services and has been quoted for career-related articles in US News and World Report, Fast Company, CNBC, and The Chicago Tribune. Jennifer is an active member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), was nominated and elected to various roles on the Board of Directors and is the current past President of NACE.