Welcome to the Tennessee Academic Advising Network - TAAN
The Tennessee Academic Advising Network was created as a professional forum for sharing best practices and knowledge exchange related to academic advising for the Community Colleges and Applied Technical Colleges powering Tennessee.

TAAN’s purpose is to provide its members with opportunities for professional development and peer support, ultimately building a network of resources to enhance student success. Equally important is the representation and promotion of the interests of academic advising within the larger body of Tennessee community colleges and applied technical colleges.
TAAN will promote and enhance the academic advising profession by:
Encouraging the professional development of academic advisors
Moving beyond a transactional model for advising, through professional development, into a relational advising model to establish a genuine interpersonal relationship
Providing Networking opportunities
Recognizing professional/faculty advisors and advising administrators for their excellence in the field of advising
Supporting the goals and core values of NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising
3. To provide advisor development programs for those engaged in academic advising.
Please visit the membership application to sign-up today!
Updates & Events
January 22, 2025 | Virtual |
February 26, 2025 | Virtual |
March 26, 2025 | Virtual |
April 23, 2025 | Virtual |
May 21, 2025 | Virtual |
Want to be a contributing editor?
Types of Articles for Submission
- Perspectives: Opinions and ideas on issues of relevance to advising. We are looking for ideas that stimulate dialogue, get members thinking, and challenge us to take new approaches advising. Perspectives are encouraged from across the full breadth of the industry, and should focus on a single concept or idea. Submissions ideally should be no more than 500 words long.
- Feature Articles: Focus on a specific individual, event, or issue (must be related to advising in some way). Feature articles should be written in a conversational style without too many academic citations, and may be 250 to 1,000 words long.
Submission details:
- Articles should be engaging and clearly written for advisors.
- Articles may be returned for revisions or rejected at the discretion of the newsletter committee.
- Please submit articles by the 15th of the month to be considered for publication.
- Please provide your name and contact information, so our readers may connect with you directly if they have any questions.
- All articles should be sent in Word format to Connie Herron at cherron@southwest.tn.edu with the subject line TAAN Newsletter Article Submission.
- Photographs with captions are welcome. The author must have permission to use the photos. Include any necessary acknowledgments. Photo should be .jpeg or .png.
TAAN Committee Nominations are Open!!!
If you or someone you know are interested in serving on the TAAN Committee, the following positions are available:
Position | Commitment Length |
Vice President | 2 Years |
Secretary | 1 Year |
Communications Coordinator | 2 Years |
Professional Advisor-at-Large | 1 Year |
Faculty Advisor-at-Large | 1 Year |
Nominate yourself or someone else here!

TAAN Executive Board

President: James Sykes

Vice President/President Elect: Mia Atkins-Beason
Academic Advisor, Advising & Academic Support English Adjunct Professor
Southwest Tennessee Community College
My name is Mia Atkins-Beason and I am a Professional Academic Advisor at Southwest Tennessee Community College (Southwest). I first was hired full-time from Jan. 2016-Jan. 2019. I moved to Murfreesboro with my husband and was hired at TSU as an Asst. Director of Trio Educational Talent Search from Jan. 2019-August 2019 (son got ill and had to move back to Memphis). I was rehired as an Academic Advisor in Sept. 2019 and have been here ever since. I am a former graduate of Southwest May 2012 with two degrees AA Sociology and AS Business Administration and I have a love and passion for what I do because as a former Southwest student. I did Advising for free (in formerly Student Activities) at that time; while in 11 different organizations 6 of which I held leadership roles. I have always had a passion for being there for students and I have rolled that into a career which I am proud.

Communication Coordinator: Connie Herron

Social Media Coordinator: Donna K. Lanham
Advising Systems Analyst
Roane State Community College
Donna has over twenty years in higher education experience. She has actively supported the student enrollment services division in the following roles; academic advising, admissions and records, distance education, Banner course/curriculum inventory, academic scheduling, TNeCampus liaison, and web page development. She was part of the state-wide Banner student implementation team, and provided end-user Banner training. She currently maintains the course and curriculum inventory for Banner Degree Works curriculum, as well academic room scheduling at Roane State Community College.
A.A., Pellissippi State - General Studies
B.S., Austin Peay State University - Professional Studies

Professional Advisor at Large: Iris Blair

Faculty Advisor at Large: Tiffany Scruggs
I have been at Chattanooga State for 18 years, with 14 of those years in academic advising. I currently advise for engineering and information technologies. In addition to advising, I have 11 years of experience as an adjunct instructor for college success.

Secretary: Rhonda McWhorter
Academic Advisor
Chattanooga State Community College
Rhonda McWhorter has been in higher education for 15 years and has held several positions at Chattanooga State Community College. Currently serving as the advisor for math and sciences, she assists in helping to shape students’ educational journey. In addition to advising Rhonda also serves as the TAAN executive board secretary, Chatt State cheer and dance coach and peer mentor supervisor. Rhonda truly believes in helping people become their best self by motivating and encouraging others. She lives each day with the belief that everyone has a purpose and a part to play in this life and finds joy in helping people realize who they are.