
TN Promise Application Phase IV

Finalizing specifications with several areas targeted

Questions on eligibility and enrollment to be addressed

Address verification rule change (Need to receive requirement documentation by August 1)

Timing of cohort value creation to be decided

RZPTNPC exporting/reporting

Transfer work coding for Certification Indicator

TN Summit 2016

Save the Date October 11 - 12, 2016 at MTSU

Attendee and presenter evaluations being collected

Theme to be developed based on feedback from institutional attendees and presenters

Keynote speaker to be selected based on feedback from instiututions

After-hours and other activities based on attendee feedback

TN Promise Phase III

Add the ability to the RZATNPC form to sort certification records by whether the student is attending a part of term that starts after the term begin date.

Import two TN Promise files (application and institutional report)

Enhance the RZPTNPC form to NOT copy inactive cohorts during certifcation process (RZPTNPC)

Additional coding for further enhancements in process




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