Strategic Advancement

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TBR Emergency Assistance Fund

Parts of east Tennessee have seen flooding due to severe storms that have caused unthinkable damage to its citizens. Our colleges' students, faculty and staff have been impacted by these storms. While these are certainly unprecedented times we are living in, we are asking you to consider helping those who have suffered losses. You can help by donating through The Foundation for the College System of Tennessee to help those students, faculty or staff that were impacted.

Sam Odom Scholarship Nomination Form

The application materials should be submitted by the Financial Aid Director through the dropbox feature located below by the established deadline.

It is the responsibility of the home institution to verify the applicant meets all minimum qualifications.

Applicants will submit a portfolio of no more than 7 pages with at least one letter of support from a faculty or professional staff member at the home institution.

Applicants must submit a one-page essay that addresses personal and career aspirations.

Files must be less than 50 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
Files must be less than 50 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.

James B. Brown Memorial Scholarship

The James Berdet Brown Memorial Scholarship is available each trimester to adult students enrolled in TCAT certificate or diploma programs. The awarded funds are for the program in which the student is enrolled at the time of application submission, recipient selection, and assignment of scholarship funds. The scholarship is intended to aid in the purchasing of required program learning materials and equipment, paying for national/state certification exams, and/or hardship living expenses.


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