Early postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs) include a course and/or exam that give students a chance to obtain postsecondary credit while still in high school. Courses (whether stand-alone or in conjunction with an exam for postsecondary credit) must be aligned to postsecondary standards.
Tennessee students have an unprecedented opportunity to pursue education and training beyond high school through Tennessee Promise, a scholarship and mentoring program which provides high school seniors with two years of tuition-free attendance at a community or technical college in Tennessee. Early postsecondary opportunities ensure that students are ready to take full advantage of the Tennessee Promise and succeed in education and training after high school. Research has shown that students who participate in early postsecondary courses are more likely to enroll and persist in postsecondary environments.
Early postsecondary opportunities allow students to:
- earn postsecondary credits while in high school.
- become familiar with postsecondary rigor and expectations.
- develop confidence and skills for success in postsecondary learning.
- make informed postsecondary and career decisions.
- decrease the time and cost of completing a certificate or degree.
EPSO Types
The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program provides an opportunity for high school students to experience postsecondary-level coursework across multiple subjects.
Each course is aligned to a subject-specific AP exam, which provides students the potential to earn credit for postsecondary coursework in that subject.
A division within the University of Cambridge, Cambridge International Examination provides internationally recognized academic programs for students age 5 to 19. The high school A and AS Level courses, available only through approved Cambridge International Schools, provide students the opportunity to earn postsecondary credit that is accepted by colleges in the U.S. and abroad. Participating schools design their own Cambridge curriculum based on the needs of their students; some schools may base their whole curriculum on Cambridge qualifications, while others may combine Cambridge with other learning programs. Cambridge offers professional development events and resources for teachers throughout the year.
Developed by the College Board, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams can be taken by students and adults to assess mastery of postsecondary-level material acquired in a variety of ways, including through general academic instructions, significant independent study, or extracurricular work. Students can earn credit for postsecondary coursework in a specific subject. Examinations are currently offered in 33 subjects at test centers across the state.
Dual enrollment (DE) is a postsecondary course, taught either at the postsecondary institution or at the high school, by postsecondary faculty or credentialed adjunct faculty. Dual enrollment instructors must meet postsecondary requirements, but do not have to meet specific TN teacher licensure or endorsement requirements.
Dual enrollment courses can be taught at the postsecondary campus, the high school, or online. The location of the course does not affect its status as a dual enrollment course.
Students are enrolled at the postsecondary institution and earn postsecondary credit upon completion of the course. High school credit is awarded based on local policy.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, available only through an approved IB World School, provides high school students the opportunity to take a rigorous, pre-university course of studies. IB courses are aligned to internationally-benchmarked exams which provide opportunities for students to earn postsecondary credit while still in high school. The IB Diploma Programme is available to any student aged 16-19 at participating schools.
Local dual credit is a high school course aligned to a local postsecondary institution’s course and exam. Students who pass the exam earn credits that are accepted and/or recognized by the local postsecondary institution. Courses are taught by licensed high school teachers or certified college instructors approved by the school system and the postsecondary institution.
Industry certifications (IC) are earned through secondary and postsecondary career and technical education programs and courses. High school students are encouraged to focus their elective credits on robust, career-aligned learning pathways. Robust learning pathways should culminate with the achievement of nationally recognized industry certifications, meaningful work-based learning experiences, and/or attainment of postsecondary credit hours through early postsecondary opportunities. As it pertains to industry certifications, all department-promoted certifications are aligned with postsecondary and employment opportunities and with the competencies and skills that students should have acquired through their chosen programs of study.
Statewide Dual Credit
Statewide dual credit classes are college-level courses taught at the high-school level by trained high-school teachers. Course learning objectives are developed by Tennessee high school and college faculty in order to ensure alignment with post-secondary standards. All statewide dual credit courses are approved by the Consortium for Cooperative Innovative Education before they can be offered as a part of the state’s current pilot program (see Public Chapter 967 for more information).
All students enrolled in a statewide dual credit course take the online challenge exam, which is used to assess mastery of the postsecondary-level learning objectives. Students which meet or exceed the exam ‘cut score’ receive college credit that can be applied to any Tennessee public postsecondary institution. Exam scores are reported on the high school transcript to ensure postsecondary credit is accurately awarded but are not used in any state accountability measures.
Fall 2024 Statewide Dual Credit Timeline
Fall Testing (for Block Schedule Courses Only)
First Day of Class | All teachers must complete SDC training by the first day of class. |
Week of 9/9/2024 | MANDATORY Principles of Marketing teacher meeting. Time TBD MANDATORY Introduction of Education teacher meeting. Time TBD |
10/30/2024 | Logins for the SDC assessment platform will be delivered to teachers and testing coordinators. |
11/7/2024 | Test administration Q&A Meeting. MANDATORY Speech Teacher Upload Meeting |
11/20/2024 | Deadline for updates to SDC exam rosters. |
12/3/2024 | Challenge exam day 1 |
12/4/2024 | Challenge exam day 2 |
12/5/2024 | Challenge exam day 3 |
12/6/2024 | Upload day only; Upload deadline for speech recordings and outlines, observation hours and mentor teacher evaluations, & marketing plans. |
12/10/2024 | Challenge exam day 4 |
12/11/2024 | Challenge exam day 5 |
12/12/2024 | Challenge exam day 6 |
12/13/2024 | Final makeup day |
12/17/2024 - 1/6/2025 | Grading window for essays, speeches, & marketing plans. Grades will not be official until reported to schools through TDOE. |
Spring 2025 Statewide Dual Credit Timeline
Spring Testing (for Block Schedule and Traditional Schedule Courses)
First Day of Class | All teachers must complete SDC training by the first day of class. |
Week of 1/13/2025 | MANDATORY Principles of Marketing teacher meeting. Time TBD MANDATORY Introduction of Education teacher meeting. Time TBD |
4/1/2025 | Logins for the SDC assessment platform will be delivered to teachers and testing coordinators. |
4/3/2025 | Test administration Q&A Meeting. MANDATORY Speech Teacher Upload Meeting |
4/11/2025 | Deadline for updates to exam rosters. |
4/16/2025 | Challenge exam day 1 |
4/17/2025 | Challenge exam day 2 |
4/23/2025 | Challenge exam day 3 |
4/24/2025 | Challenge exam day 4 |
4/25/2025 | Upload day only; Upload deadline for speech recordings and outlines, observation hours and mentor teacher evaluations, & marketing plans. |
4/30/2025 | Challenge exam day 5 |
5/1/2025 | Challenge exam day 6 |
5/2/2025 | Final makeup day |
5/6/2025 - 5/19/2025 | Grading window for essays, speeches, & marketing plans. Grades will not be official until reported to schools through TDOE. |
Week of 6/2/2025 | Grades available for counselors to add in transcripts. |
7/2025 | Teacher training for 2025-2026 will be available – exact date TBD. |
Steven Berryhill
Director of Early Postsecondary Opportunities
steven.berryhill@tbr.edu | 615-366-0762
Nellie McCollum
EPSO Systems Administrator
Anna.McCollum@tbr.edu | 615-326-5730
Christian Babyak
EPSO Coordinator
Christian.babyak@tbr.edu | 615-326-4637