2017 Regional ePortfolio Faculty Training
ePortfolio Training for Faculty
The following regional training opportunities are open to ALL faculty who are interested in learning how to use ePortfolio as a tool to enhance their instruction.
May 8: East Regional Training
Location: Cleveland State Community College
Time: 8:30 a.m. EST - 4 p.m. EST
May 9: West Regional Training
Location: Jackson State Community College
Time: 8:30 a.m. CST - 4 p.m. CST
May 10: Middle TN Regional Training
Location: TBR System Office, 1 Bridgestone Park, Nashville
Time: 8:30 a.m. CST - 4 p.m. CST
Guest Instructors

Founder of LaGuardia's Center for Teaching and Learning and its internationally-known ePortfolio project and recognized by the national Community College Humanities Association as a Distinguished Humanities Educator.
Co-author of High Impact ePortfolio Practice (2017) & Open and Integrative: Designing Liberal Education for the New Digital Ecosystem (2016).
Dr. Laura Gambino, Associate Dean for Assessment and Technology and Professor of Information Technology at Guttman Community College (CUNY)
Principal investigator for Guttman's EDUCAUSE/Achieving the Dream iPASS and GradNYC College Completion Innovation Fund grants.
Co-author of High Impact ePortfolio Practice (2017).
Registration Information
Five slots per institution will be reserved up to the priority registration deadline of April 24, 2017. After April 24, any unfilled slots will be opened to faculty on the wait list.
From its group of five participants, each campus is asked to identify 1-2 faculty members who are willing to serve as "lead faculty" for the introduction to and development of the ePortfolio High Impact Practice on their campus. These lead faculty will be asked to continue their professional development through engagement in a year-long system-wide faculty learning community (FLC) for ePortfolios. Lead faculty members will be provided a copy of the book High Impact ePortfolio Practice (Enyon & Gambino, 2017) and will be enrolled in a Faculty Learning Community D2L course. Lead faculty members will be asked to participate in monthly discussions on chapters from the text, share best practices and resources, and establish a campus-based faculty learning community on ePortfolios. Faculty who successfully complete the year-long engagement in the ePortfolio FLC will be eligible to receive travel grants for summer 2018. Please indicate interest in serving as the "lead faculty member" on the registration form.