Time Off and Leave
It is the policy of the Tennessee Board of Regents to provide all regular full-time and part-time employees with regular periods of leave or time away from work for various reasons.
Provides all regular full-time and part-time employees with regular periods of rest and relaxation away from the work environment and recognizes length of service.
Protects all regular full-time and part-time employees against loss of earnings due to illness, injury, or incapacity to work including illness or incapacity to work due to pregnancy, and provides time off to employees in the event of serious illness or death of certain family members.
The TBR central office also has established a sick leave bank for employees who have exhausted their annual and sick leave but are still unable to work due to their own illness or injury. The sick leave bank is governed by Personnel Guideline P-061 and the
Provides all regular, full-time and part-time employees time off without loss of pay due to the death of an immediate family member.
Family, Medical, and Servicemember Leave
In compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended, (“FMLA” or “the Act”) it is the policy of the Tennessee Board of Regents (“TBR”) to provide eligible employees up to 12 workweeks of leave during a 12-month period for family or medical leave, to "eligible" employees for certain family and medical reasons.
In order to be eligible for FMLA, an employee must work for at least 12 months and work at least 1,250 hours during the year preceding the start of the leave. The determination of whether the employee meets the eligibility criteria for FMLA is based on the amount of service possessed by the employee as of the date the leave actually begins. Access the TBR Policy 5:01:01:14 on Family, Medical and Servicemember Leave for complete information.
FMLA qualifying events include: Birth of a child, adoption, to care for the employee's spouse, son, daughter, or parent with a serious health condition, or the employee's own serious health condition.
A serious health condition is defined as: Any hospitalization, pregnancy, anytime a physicians certification has been completed certifying a serious health condition, or any definition stated in TBR Policy 5:01:01:14 on Family, Medical and Servicemember Leave.
For additional information, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 615-366-4481 or 366-4450.
Provides for approved, unpaid time off to regular employees due to reasons of illness or injury, or disability of an employee who has insufficient accumulated annual and/or sick leave, leave for educational purposes and leave for justifiable personal reasons.
All employees who are members of any reserve component of the armed forces of the United States or of the Tennessee National Guard shall be entitled to a leave of absence from their duties for all periods of military service during which they are engaged in the performance of duty or training in the service of this State, or of the United States, under competent orders as stipulated in U.S.C. Title 38, § 4311-4318 and T.C.A. § 8-33-101 through 8-33-109 and 58-1-106.
Any employee, except for a temporary employee with a contract of less than six (6) months, shall be granted civil leave when, in obedience to a subpoena or direction by proper authority, the employee appears as witness for the Federal government, the State of Tennessee, or a political subdivision of the State, or when it is necessary to attend any court in connection with official duties or serve on a jury in any State or Federal Court.
Provides employees time off to vote in state, national, and local elections and to establish a procedure for reporting the time missed from work.
Provides time off to regular TBR employees to continue their education and/or participate in research, grants, or fellowships on a full-time basis.
In accordance with TCA § 8-50-810, a regular employee who is a certified disaster service volunteer of the American Red Cross may be granted leave with pay for up to fifteen (15) work days each calendar year to participate in specialized disaster relief services for the American Red Cross.
All universities, community colleges, and TCATs under the governance of the Tennessee Board of Regents will observe a maximum of seven holidays per year and six additional administrative closing days as specified in Policy 5:01:01:11.