Marketing and Digital Strategy

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Marketing and Recruitment Planning Retreat

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Location: Nashville State Community College, East Davidson Campus (Directions)

Each institution should have a person responsible for marking and advertising, communication, and web attend. 

Registrant Information

Full NameTitle EmailList any special accommodations or dietary needs.

Our Project Process and Client Expectations

The Marketing & Digital Strategy group develops and implements strategic communication plans in a variety of media. We tell stories that define The College System of Tennessee and advance our mission of student success and workforce development. We also collaborate on qualifying projects initiated by other departments, providing consulting, guidance, project management, and creative services in:

Tennessee Higher Ed Web Developer Accessibility Training

A deep dive into accessible web content and web UI development to begin to employ best practices for creating accessible content throughout the development lifecycle on TBR campuses. Curriculum for this training has been custom developed by Steve Faulkner, co-editor of the W3C HTML5 specification, HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0, Text Alternatives Techniques, ARIA in HTML, and Using WAI-ARIA in HTML specifications.

Please be as detailed as possible.


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