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Richard Locker appointed interim director of communications for Tennessee Board of Regents

Richard Locker

Veteran Tennessee journalist Richard Locker joined the Tennessee Board of Regents July 1 as interim communications director.

In his new role, Locker will coordinate and support communications, marketing, and web and digital media for the Board of Regents, which is the governing board for the state’s university and college system. The communications team is a division of the Office of the Chancellor.

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Tennessee Board of Regents sets new tuition, fees for colleges and universities; adopts policy on firearms, approves MTSU request for building name change

The Tennessee Board of Regents today approved the lowest increases in undergraduate tuition since 1983. Tuition rates at the six TBR universities, 13 community colleges and 27 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology will increase an average of 2.6 percent for the 2016-17 academic year.


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TBR to Meet in Quarterly Session June 23-24 at Northeast State; Board Considers Tuition Recommendations, Policies on Firearms

The Tennessee Board of Regents will meet in regular quarterly session at Northeast State Community College in Blountville on Friday, June 24, following a day of committee meetings on June 23. Committee meetings will begin at 1 p.m. EDT Thursday in the 1st Floor Theater of the Wellmont Regional Center for the Performing Arts. Committees will meet in this order: Audit, Finance and Business Operations, Personnel and Compensation, Academic Policies and Programs and Student Life, External Affairs, and Workforce Development.

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Board to vote Friday on Tony Miksa as new president for Walters State

Anthony (Tony) Miksa, current vice president at McHenry County College in Crystal Lake, Ill., will be recommended by Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor David Gregory as the next president to lead Walters State Community College.

The recommendation will go before the Board during a special called telephonic meeting on Friday, May 27, at 2 p.m. EDT/ 1 p.m. CDT.

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Northeast, Southwest Tennessee community colleges selected for dual enrollment Pell grants

Two of Tennessee’s Community Colleges were chosen by the U.S. Department of Education to participate in a new federal program allowing low-income high school students to apply for Federal Pell grants to pay for dual enrollment courses.

Northeast State and Southwest Tennessee State community colleges join 42 other schools across the country chosen for the experimental program, which begins this summer and is expected to help about 10,000 students nationwide. This is the first time Pell grants will be used for students still in high school.

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Candidates for Walters State Presidential Search Narrowed to 3; Campus Visits Scheduled Week of April 18

Three finalists have been named to the short list of candidates in line to become the next president of Walters State Community College in Morristown. Each will participate in campus forums and community receptions next week.


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