Perkins R.E.A.D.I. Grant 2022

Expiring funds from previous fiscal years allowed Tennessee colleges a unique opportunity to get students R.E.A.D.I. (Recruit Engage And Develop Innovation) for career and technical education (CTE) occupations. Perkins V READI Grant is a competitive grant which utilizes leftover Perkins V postsecondary funds in order to ensure all Tennessee Perkins allotments serve Tennessee CTE students. TBR colleges had a four day window to submit an application to compete for the 2022 Perkins READI funds. Overall 5.3 million dollars was awarded to Seven TBR colleges, whose grant applications were judged on allowable use of funds, creativity, eliminating equity gaps, & those college's ability to spend funds within a shortened expenditure timeframe of four months (all Perkins READI funds must be expended by September 30, 2022). Tennessee Community Colleges are typically eligible to apply for 100,000.00/year & Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology are allowed to apply for $50,000.00/year. The Perkins READI funds offer colleges the opportunity to compete for 10 or 20 years worth of Perkins funding in one grant cycle. In order to acheive this, colleges had to be ready to execute years of planning and rely upon critical vendor relationships in order to ensure their ability to expend funds within the designated time-frame. 

R.E.A.D.I Recipients 

Chattanooga State Community College

Jackson State Community College

Volunteer State Community College

TCAT Crossville 

TCAT Dickson

TCAT Knoxville

TCAT Murfreesboro

R.E.A.D.I Recipients Discuss How Perkins R.E.A.D.I. Funds Decrease Equity Gaps:

Chancellor Tydings Presents Perkins R.E.A.D.I. Award Checks to Recipients!