Accessibility Initiative


In support of the THEC Accessibility Task Force recommendations submitted to the legislature in 2014, the Office of Student Success and Office of Academic Affairs have been engaging campuses in dialogue, training, and assessment activities to make our educational resources more accessible to more students. Below are resources for campus use in discussing accessibility, training faculty and staff to make materials accessible, and assessing each campus' educational materials to meet accessibility standards.

PDF icon THEC Accessibility Task Force Recommendations

In Spring 2015, the TBR Accessibility Task Force was created and began meeting to do an initial assessment of accessibility initiatives to undertake at the system level. Membership of the task force included campus representatives from academic affairs, student affairs, business affairs, and disability services. As well as system staff from academic affairs, business and finance, general counsel, TN eCampus (formerly ROCC), TCAT, and communications. Since Fall 2015, each campus has designated it's own accessibility team responsible for the assessment and implementation of accessibility work at the institutional level. Accessibility chairs from each campus convene regularly to identify priority work and offer guidance to the System Office and Vice Chancellor for Student Success.

Campus Resources

Each institution has an accessibility team responsible for conducting campus audits and creating action steps to meet expectations identified in the Features of Accessibility document.

Campus Training Information

Webinar Training and Resources

Campus Audit Information & Resources

Institutional Audit of Programs of Choice - Due November 14, 2025
Community Colleges will select their program of choice and conduct an audit of courses within the program.
TCATs will assess their top 5 programs or programs of choice.

Webform to Submit Course Audit Information

Audit Team Chairs by Institution

Institution Audit Team Chair Title Contact Number
Chattanooga State Adrian Ricketts Specialist, Instructional Design - Accessibility 423-697-4715
Cleveland State Matt Schaffner Humanities  423-473-2311
Columbia State Adam Robertson Dean of Students 931-540-2583
Dyersburg State Luciana Shaw Instructional Designer 731-288-7523
Jackson State Jessica Reece Dean of Academic Support 731-424-3520 x50354
Motlow State Terry Durham Dean of Academic Technology  
Nashville State Jamie Edwards Director of Online Learning 615-353-3259
Northeast State Lori Rapp Coordinator, Distanace Education and Digital Accessibility 423-323-3191
Pellissippi State George Underwood Executive Director, Equity & Compliance 865-539-7354
Roane State Dr. Susan Sutton Director of the Center of Teaching Arts & Technology & Distance Education 865-882-4658
Southwest TN Jim Sorrell Director of IT Security 901-333-4987
Volunteer State Leslie Smith  Access Center Manager 615-230-3742
Walters State Seth Kerney Coordinator of IDEAS and Accessibility  423.318.2721
TCAT Athens Carryl Weaver    
TCAT Chattanooga Jessica Green    
TCAT Crossville Stacy Johnson    
TCAT Crump Brian Harris    
TCAT Dickson Maria Smith    
TCAT Elizabethton David Holder    
TCAT Harriman Sandy Aston Wash    
TCAT Hartsville Kandra Hire    
TCAT Henry/Carroll Jan Latimer    
TCAT Hohenwald Bethaney Keltner    
TCAT Jacksboro Jada Stanley    
TCAT Jackson John Hodgson    
TCAT Knoxville Noah Duncan    
TCAT Livingston Jeffrey Slagle     
TCAT McMinnville Jennifer Wright    
TCAT Memphis Sherlita Nelson-Denton    
TCAT Morristown Michelle Davenport    
TCAT Murfreesboro Barry Owens    
TCAT Nashville Kevin Harrison    
TCAT Northwest Amanda Heath    
TCAT Oneida Jennifer Trammell    
TCAT Pulaski Matt Shirley    
TCAT Shelbyville Jimmy Wright    

To submit revisions for team member names, email Kristina Krau Waymire, Assistant VIce Chancellor for Student Support.
