Low-Income Student Support
- Higher Ed Libs
- Corporation for National and Community Service
- Lumina Foundation's Beyond Financial Aid
- Campus User Guides
- Homeless Student Liaison
- Institution Profiles
- Tennessee 2-1-1
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
- Launch My Career TN
Financial Literacy Training
- SRVC Instructional Video - Students
- SRVC Instructional Video - Service Agencies
TBR's Beyond Financial Aid Initiative
History of the Project
In March 2016, TBR campus teams were convened in Nashville to discuss the beta version of the Lumina Foundation's Beyond Financial Aid (BFA) assessment guide. A copy of the meeting materials can be accessed here. Each campus conducted a self-study of how they currently support low-income students and areas for improvement. The data from the self-studies guided campuses to create campus plans for how they would address areas of concern in the coming academic year. The System Office applied for and received funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to support four AmeriCorps VISTA members for the 2016-17 academic year to build capacity around resources and services to support low-income students at each of the 46 TBR Institutions.
In 2017, the TBR System Office received funding from the Corporation for National Community Service (CNCS) to support four AmeriCorps VISTA members to build capacity among 46 institutions of higher education in Tennessee. The objective was to provide support services to assist low-income individuals to enroll and complete a certificate or credential, with the ultimate goal of breaking the cycle of poverty. VISTA members developed initiatives and processes to increase the number of low-income and veteran students entering a Tennessee postsecondary institution, with particular attention towards recent high school graduates and returning adult learners. The resources found on this page were created as a result of the VISTA member support.
Combating Food Insecurity
TBR COVID-19 Student Resource Guide - Resources to share with students facing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Training Resources
Combating Food Insecurity - Presentation Recording - "Combating Food Insecurity: SNAP and Food Pantry Resources," TBR virtual training on September 10, 2020
Combating Food Insecurity - Presentation PowerPoint Slides - "Combating Food Insecurity: SNAP and Food Pantry Resources," TBR virtual training on September 10, 2020
Advising Student Referrals - Presentation PowerPoint Slides - "Effective Referrals for Low-Income Student Supports," TBR virtual training for Academic Advisors on November 12, 2020
SNAP Resources

Video: SNAP Benefits for College Students - Created by Chattanooga State Community College
Sign-Up: Monthly Nutrition Newsletter - Created by the Tennessee Justice Center's nutrition advocacy team
Sign-Up: Quarterly College Hunger Calls - Led by the Tennessee Justice Center; email Signe Anderson (sanderson@tnjustice.org) to join the call list.
Food Pantry Resources
Technical Colleges: Students wishing to access food pantry assitance at Tennessee's Colleges of Applied Technology should contact the Student Services Coordinator on their campus.
Grant Opportunity: Stay tuned for future grant opportunities
For campuses interested in partnering with Second Harvest Food Bank:

Contact Information
TBR System Office contacts, for resources and questions:
Kristina Krau Waymire,Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Support Services
For one-on-one help with SNAP applications, appeals, or student advocacy:
Signe Anderson, Director of Nutrition Advocacy, Tennessee Justice Center
You can also call the Tennessee Justice Center for assistance: 615-255-0331