SOAR Awards Staff Nomination

The President's office should collect the nomination form along with all required materials and complete the college certification before using the form below to submit their nominee once a finalist has been determined at the campus level. 

  • The deadline to submit is October 4, 2024. 
  • Virtual Staff Competition Date: November 22, 2024 (All regions)
  • Final SOAR Competition (in-person): TBD - March 2025

If you have any questions regarding your submission, please reach out to

Staff Nomination Criteria

Award is open to full-time employees. To be eligible, a nominee must:

  • Have completed at least one year of employment at the institution.
  • Be a non-exempt or exempt employee who is employed full-time during the 2024-25 academic year.
  • Be employed by the institution at the time of final selection.
  • In the organizational structure, be at or below the level of associate/assistant vice president (or equivalent).

*Please review all eligibility requirements located in the criteria packet below before beginning the application. Once started, the application cannot be saved. 

Staff Excellence Award Submission Requirements

It is the responsibility of the nominator to gather and submit all required documents to the President's office (A student nominator, however, may request that this responsibility be given to a faculty member or administrator/staff member.) Self-nominations are not eligible. It is the responsibility of the President's office to fill out the form below along with the college certification.

  • Nomination form (to be completed by nominator)
  • Resume/ Curiculum Vitae (supplied by the nominee’s supervisor)
  • Three Letters of Support (not to exceed two pages each, 12 pt. font)
    • One letter from the nominator. Any faculty member, administrator/staff member, or student from the college community may nominate an individual for an excellence award.
    • One letter by the nominee’s supervisor. It is requested that the supervisor highlight the specific appointment requirements or expectations of the nominee to enable the committee to adequately review the individual on this basis.
    • One letter from an additional individual who supports the recommendation of the nominee for an excellence award. Any faculty member, administrator/staff member, alumnus/student from the college community, or external colleague may submit a letter of support.
