Our Work
About the Department
The Tennessee Board of Regents’ Procurement, Contracts and Payment Services (PCPS) Department, under the direction of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Procurement, Contracts and Payment Services, has the responsibility of managing procurements, contracts, PCPS reporting, travel and vendor management services within the laws of the State of Tennessee, federal regulations, and the policies and guidelines of the Tennessee Board of Regents. The PCPS Department processes transactions for the System Office as well as the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCATs) in addition to managing system-wide procurements and contracts, ensuring that the best value as to quantity and quality are obtained for funds expended.
Major duties and responsibilities include the management and processing of:
- All purchase orders for the TBR System Office and TCATs.
- Bid/proposal processes for all applicable purchases and contracts for goods and/or services, vendor selection for bids, and analysis of quotations/proposals for System Office, TCATs and identified system-wide acquisitions.
- All Contracts processing via an automated workflow/approval system.
- Travel Authorizations and Travel Claims for the System Office and TCATs.
- All payables and student refunds for the System Office and TCATs.
- Vendor onboarding and electronic vendor registration portal.
- Development, implementation, and enforcement of new and existing policies and guidelines, state, and federal laws.
- Development of cost-saving measures, identifying waste and recommending improvement.
- Coordination and liaison activities of the Tennessee Board of Regents’ Council of Buyers, contracts officers, business officers, providing assistance and advice to purchasing and contracts staff throughout the system.
- Coordination and partnering of procurement/contracting opportunities with the State of Tennessee and University of Tennessee system of higher education.
- Preparation of all PCPS reports for state legislators, committees, public officials and other external constituents.
- Coordination and liaison activities with the Governor's office of Diversity Business Enterprise and the Small Business Administration, providing assistance with Diversity classification registration.
- Coordination and liaison of system-wide eProcurement system.