Records Request
From time to time, institutions receive requests for records requests. Only citizens of Tennessee have an enforceable right to access public records. Accordingly, a governmental entity has discretion to provide access to persons who do not provide proof of Tennessee citizenship.
By law, institutions have seven (7) days to respond to open records requests. The Office of the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury has provided guidance for the state in responding to such requests.
**Always be sure you receive a request, be sure you contact your legal contact in the TBR System Legal Office. For universities, talk with your inside Counsel.
Copies Requested of RFQs/RFPs:
Bidders/Proposer have the right to request copies of any or all documentation related to an RFQ/RFP they have bid on.
Resource Links:
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury:
Tennessee Public Records Act:
Records open to public inspection -- Schedule of reasonable charges -- Costs. T.C.A. Code § 107-7-503: