Call for Spring 2024 Advising Academy Session Proposals

Practitioners and scholars are welcome to submit session proposals for the Advising Academy. The deadline for proposal submissions is January 31, 2024.

Sessions will be (1) hour in duration and eligible session proposal categories will be accepted in the following areas:

  • Category 1: Policies, Theory, or Framework
  • Category 2: Advising Special Student Populations - Transfer, First-Year, Specific Disciplines, Student-Athletes, Etc.
  • Category 3: Advisor Training & Development
  • Category 4: Advising Self-Care
  • Category 5: Best Practices


Session Proposal Information

Presenter Information

Presenter 2 (If Applicable)

Presenter 3 (If Applicable)

Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: doc docx.