Homeless Student Liaison


In the 2019 Legislative Session, House Bill 1000/Senate Bill 763 (now Public Chapter 266) was passed. In summary, this bill requires degree-granting postsecondary educational institutions to designate a staff member (employed in the financial aid office or another appropriate office) to serve as a homeless-student liaison to assist homeless students who are enrolled, or are planning to enroll, in the institution. This liaison is responsible for understanding the provisions pertaining to financial aid eligibility of homeless students and identifying services available and appropriate for students. This act took effect July 1, 2019.

Campus Contacts

Institution Liason Website
Chattanooga State Community College Tammy McDonough  Coordinator, Educational Outreach Programs – Student Support Center https://www.chattanoogastate.edu/financial-aid-resources
Cleveland State Community College Chad Cameron  Success Coach – Student Success Center https://www.clevelandstatecc.edu/admissions/student-success-center/index...
Columbia State Community College Melissa Febbroriello  Counselor & Case Manager – Student Engagement https://columbiastate.edu/financialaid
Dyersburg State Community College Kacee Hardy  Director – Financial Aid https://www.dscc.edu/content/housing-resources-students
Jackson State Community College Adam Kuykendall - Liaison https://www.jscc.edu/financial-aid/helpful-resources.html
Motlow State Community College Michelle Farley  Financial Aid Counselor – Financial Aid https://www.mscc.edu/financialaid/
Nashville State Community College Lindsey Hagar  Liaison – Student Affairs https://www.nscc.edu/current-students/on-campus-resources/student-support-services
Northeast State Community College Millie Marmalade Student Support www.northeaststate.edu/communityresources
Pellissippi State Community College Christian Lockhart Student Care and Advocacy https://www.pstcc.edu/student_care
Roane State    Community College Lisa Steffensen  Dean of Students www.roanestate.edu/homeless
Southwest Tennessee Community College Tabatha Brittman Social Services Coordinator, Student Development – Counseling & Social Services http://www.tn.edu/counseling/default.htm
Volunteer State Community College Anne-Marie McKee Assistant Vice President - Division of Student Services https://www.volstate.edu/homelessness
Walters State Community College Andy Hall Liaison  https://www.ws.edu/financial-aid/

*To update your campus liaison information, contact Kristina Krau Waymire at kwaymire@tbr.edu
