National Career Clusters Framework

USDOE in conjunction with Advance CTE has released information that the career cluster framework will be updated from 16 career clusters to 14 career clusters and 72 subclusters. In an effort to make certain that Career Technical Education (CTE) reporting is accurate and consistent with the updated framework, the TBR Data and Research team has updated the CTE Career Cluster Program Crosswalk. This will ensure that as an early adopter state, that Tennessee's post-secondary Consolidated Annual Report Data (CAR data) is as up to date and accurate as possible. This change will be in effect for reporting of the 2025-2026 data. Please see the reference tab to preview the guidebook, crosswalk, and link to TDOE's career clusters website, to make sure that your college is prepared to accommodate this shift in reporting. If your college has any questions please reach out to us at

