Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development

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More than 250 college, business, industry and state leaders gather for Tennessee Workforce Convening

Governor Lee addresses Tennessee Workforce Convening

More than 250 leaders from business and industry and Tennessee’s public community and technical colleges gathered at Volunteer State Community College to strengthen communication and collaboration and enhance the development of career and technical education programs.

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Tennessee Board of Regents partners with Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development to launch new Employment Data Dashboard

TBR launches new Employment Data Dashboard

TBR - The College System of Tennessee launched a new interactive online data dashboard to help its community and technical colleges learn more about graduates’ post-college employment and earnings.

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First class of TNTrained graduates ready to assist in Tennessee’s jobs recruitment efforts

Seventy-four educators and economic and workforce development professionals have been awarded certificates as the first graduates of TNTrained, a new initiative of the College System of Tennessee and its partners, the state Department of Economic and Community Development and the state Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

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