Submitted by RLocker on February 21, 2025
Dr. Gwendolyn Sutton, president of Tennessee College of Applied Technology Memphis, has been elected chair of the Council on Occupational Education’s governing Board of Commissioners.
The COE membership also elected Laura Travis, president of Tennessee College of Applied Technology Dickson, to a three-year term on the 20-member Board of Commissioners.
Submitted by RLocker on July 19, 2024
When Leadership Tennessee announced the 80 members of its two major statewide leadership programs for 2024-25, the cohorts included six representatives of TBR-College System of Tennessee colleges, the system office, and governing board.
Submitted by RLocker on April 27, 2023
The Tennessee Board of Regents today appointed Dr. Gwendolyn Sutton as the new president of the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Memphis, effective May 1. She joined the staff at TCAT Memphis in 2003 and has served as its vice president since 2017.
Dr. Sutton succeeds Dr. Roland Rayner, who retired in February after serving as the college’s president since 2010 and more than 32 years of service in the College System of Tennessee.
Submitted by RLocker on March 29, 2023
The search advisory committee assisting with the search for the next president of the Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) Memphis has selected two finalists for the position, both of whom will participate in public interviews on the campus Tuesday, April 4, the next step in the selection process.
The finalists are:
Submitted by RLocker on October 24, 2022
The Tennessee Board of Regents will hold a special called meeting Monday, Oct. 31, to consider the criteria for the next president of the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Memphis.
Submitted by RLocker on December 18, 2018
The Tennessee College of Applied Technology at Memphis, Southwest Tennessee Community College, and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission are reaching out to students of Vatterott Career College and L’Ecole Culinaire campuses in Memphis that closed on Monday.
Vatterott Educational Centers Inc. announced Monday that it is closing all of its institutions in several states, effective immediately. It operated three campuses in Memphis: Vatterott Career College’s locations on Appling Farms Parkway and Dividend Drive and L’Ecole Culinaire in Cordova.