Press Releases

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Finance and Business Committee Meets Feb. 14

The Finance and Business Operations Committee of the Tennessee Board of Regents will hold its next telephonic meeting at 2 p.m. CT on Monday, Feb. 14, 2011. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

    1) Call to order 2) Remarks by Chairperson/Chancellor 3) New Business
    a. Review & discussion of mandatory & incidental fee requests
    i. Overview of fee request ii. Review of selected fees iii. Committee discussion
    4) Other business 5) Adjourn

Anonymous's picture

Bill and Melinda Gates praise Technology Centers, TBR efforts

Billionaire philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates say they’re impressed with what’s happening with education reform in Tennessee, including programs at the Tennessee Board of Regents.

The couple toured the Tennessee Technology Center in Nashville yesterday during their visit to Tennessee to see how the state’s commitment to reforming education is proceeding.

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John Morgan Elected Chancellor

The Tennessee Board of Regents today elected John Morgan as the seventh chancellor of the Tennessee Board of Regents system. Morgan, currently Deputy to the Governor of the State of Tennessee and former Comptroller of the Treasury, will replace Chancellor Charles Manning, who is retiring effective December 31, 2010.

Anonymous's picture

John Morgan Recommended as Next Chancellor

The Chancellor Search Committee of the Tennessee Board of Regents voted unanimously today to recommend John Morgan to the full board as the system’s seventh chancellor, succeeding Charles Manning, who is retiring effective December 31, 2010. The committee interviewed John Morgan today. A special called meeting of the board will be held via conference call on Friday, August 6, at 10:00 a.m. CDT, at which time the full board will receive and act on the search committee’s recommendation.

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Melvin Johnson to Retire as President of Tennessee State University

Chancellor Charles Manning announced today that he has accepted the retirement of Melvin Johnson as president of Tennessee State University effective January 1, 2011. Johnson cited family and personal reasons for his decision to step down from the presidency. According to Manning, “Melvin Johnson is a hard-working man of great integrity, and he has been a pleasure to work with. We respect his decision to retire from the presidency at TSU and return to the classroom.”


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