Press Releases

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Regents to Meet May 12 to Consider PSCC President Appointment

The Tennessee Board of Regents will hold a telephonic meeting at 3 p.m. (CDT) Thursday, May 12, to consider Chancellor John Morgan’s recommendation that Dr. L. Anthony Wise Jr. be appointed president of Pellissippi State Community College. A copy of Wise’s resume is available online at

The committee will also consider for approval the recommended criteria for the search for a president of East Tennessee State University. Current president Paul Stanton announced his retirement effective January 14, 2012.

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TBR Chancellor Opposes Guns on Campus Legislation

Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor John Morgan is speaking out, expressing his concern for the safety of students, faculty and staff on college campuses if a bill being discussed in the legislature to allow guns on public campuses is passed.

Morgan has joined the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police, University of Tennessee President Joe DiPietro, and numerous other presidents, faculty, staff and students of Tennessee’s public higher education institutions in opposing the bills.

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Slight Change in Interview Schedules for PSCC Presidential Candidates

A slight change has been made to the interview schedules for two of the candidates for president at Pellissippi State Community College.

The 4-5 p.m. ET receptions for David H. Devier and L. Anthony Wise have been swapped. Devier’s reception will now be held on Tuesday, April 12, and Wise’s reception is changed to Wednesday, April 13. No changes have been made to James L. Barrott’s schedule. An updated itinerary for all three candidates is available on the website at

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TBR elects Haslam chair, eliminates graduation fees at community colleges

The Tennessee Board of Regents voted to make it less expensive for students to graduate from the state’s 13 community colleges and elected Governor Bill Haslam chairman of the board at its quarterly meeting held at Northeast State Community College March 25.

While other incidental fees may be increasing at schools across the state, Tennessee’s community colleges have decided to eliminate their graduation fees. The move will encourage more students to cap their community college experience with an associate’s degree before transferring to a four-year university.

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PSCC Presidential Search Committee to meet March 30

The presidential search advisory committee for a new president of Pellissippi State Community College will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, March 30, in the Clayton Performing Arts Center on the Pellissippi State campus. The meeting will begin at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time.

The committee will narrow its list of candidates to invite for campus interviews.

All meetings of the presidential search advisory committee are open to the press and the public as observers.

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PSCC Presidential Search Committee to Meet March 16

The presidential search advisory committee for a new president of Pellissippi State Community College will hold its second meeting on Wednesday, March 16, in the Clayton Performing Arts Center on the Pellissippi State campus. The meeting will begin at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time.

The committee will discuss narrowing its list of candidates for consideration.

All meetings of the presidential search advisory committee are open to the press and the public as observers.


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