Press Releases

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TTU Presidential Search Advisory Committee Meets to Review Applicants April 9

The presidential search advisory committee at Tennessee Tech University will meet Monday, April 9, to review applicants for the TTU president’s post at 10 a.m. CDT in the Eagles Nest at TTU's Hooper Eblen Center.

Committee members will identify leading prospects for consideration, select candidates for the first-round interviews with the search committee, and discuss interview strategies.

Anonymous's picture

Board to Meet in Regular Quarterly Session March 29 in Nashville

The Tennessee Board of Regents will meet in regular quarterly session Thursday, March 29, at the TBR Office in Nashville. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. in the Genesco Training Center.

The Board will hear reports from committees, Chancellor John Morgan, and representatives of the college and university presidents as well as the Tennessee Technology Center directors. New business will include a consent agenda addressing TTC program changes, a variety of policy revisions and an out-of-state tuition waiver.

Anonymous's picture

TBR Approves Jerry Faulkner as VSCC President

The Tennessee Board of Regents today approved Jerry Faulkner as the next president for Volunteer State Community College.

Faulkner will assume his leadership role at the college beginning May 15.

The Board met via telephone to consider TBR Chancellor John Morgan’s recommendation of Faulkner, who will replace Bruce Scism, Vol State’s interim president. (See the press release announcing Morgan’s recommendation.)

Anonymous's picture

TBR Personnel and Compensation, Finance and Business Committees to Meet March 26 - Agenda item added

The Tennessee Board of Regents will hold two open committee meetings via telephone on Monday, March 26.

The Personnel and Compensation Committee will meet at 1 p.m. CDT to consider a compensation proposal submitted by Austin Peay State University and any other business brought before the committee.

Anonymous's picture

TBR Personnel and Compensation, Finance and Business Committees to Meet March 26

The Tennessee Board of Regents will hold two open committee meetings via telephone on Monday, March 26.

The Personnel and Compensation Committee will meet at 1 p.m. CDT to consider a compensation proposal submitted by Austin Peay State University and any other business brought before the committee.

Anonymous's picture

TBR Chancellor Recommends Jerry Faulkner as VSCC’s Next President

Jerry Faulkner is expected to be named the next president to lead Volunteer State Community College pending approval by the Tennessee Board of Regents on March 21.

The Board will meet via telephone at 10:30 a.m. CT on Wednesday, March 21, to consider TBR Chancellor John Morgan’s recommendation of Faulkner, who will replace Bruce Scism, Vol State’s interim president.

If approved, Faulkner will arrange a smooth transition from Cleveland State Community College, where he currently serves as vice president for Academic Affairs. A specific date has not yet been set.

Anonymous's picture

March 13 TBR Finance Committee Meeting Canceled

The Tennessee Board of Regents canceled its Committee on Finance and Business Operations meeting previously scheduled for March 13. The meeting will be rescheduled at a later date.The other two open committee meetings scheduled for March 13 – Audit Committee and Committee Chairs – will meet as scheduled at the TBR central office in Nashville.The Audit Committee meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. CT, and the Committee Chairs will meet at 12:45 p.m. Agendas for both meetings are available online at

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TBR Schedules Open Committee Meetings March 13

Three open committee meetings – Audit, Committee Chairs, and Finance and Business Operations* – will be held at the Tennessee Board of Regents central office in Nashville on Tuesday, March 13.


The Audit Committee meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. CT. The agenda includes:

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TBR Ad Hoc Committee on Capital Outlay and Capital Maintenance to Hold Telephonic Meeting March 8

The Tennessee Board of Regents Ad Hoc Committee on Capital Outlay and Capital Maintenance will hold a meeting via telephone on Thursday, March 8, at 2 p.m. CST to discuss the revised capital outlay prioritization formula.The meeting is open to the public and the press as listeners. Those wishing dial-in information for the call should contact Monica Greppin-Watts at or 615-366-4417 before 4:30 p.m. CST on March 7.The Tennessee Board of Regents is the nation’s sixth largest higher education system, governing 46 post-secondary educational institutions.


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