Press Releases

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Chancellor Manning Announces Retirement

Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor Charles Manning today announced he will retire as chancellor at the end of FY 2008-2009, with his resignation becoming effective June 30, 2009. In a prepared statement he read to the board at its quarterly meeting today, Manning said, “I recently heard Governor Bredesen make a point in a speech I very much appreciated: he said he is seeking at the end of his term to leave Tennessee with higher expectations of itself and what it can accomplish.

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Board Approves Tuition Increases

The Tennessee Board of Regents today voted unanimously to increase tuition at five TBR universities (APSU, ETSU, MTSU, TSU, and TTU) by 6% beginning this fall, with tuition at the University of Memphis increasing by 7%. A 6% tuition increase will also go into effect at all community colleges and technology centers. Tuition at the U of M Law School will increase by 14%, at the ETSU school of medicine by 5%, and at the ETSU School of Pharmacy by 9%.

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70 Low-Producing Programs Under Review

The Tennessee Board of Regents system has 70 low-producing university and community college programs under final review this year for possible elimination due to the low number of graduates. The review process is a part of TBR’s standard 3-year review cycle, which was put in place in 2003 as one of the system’s efforts to streamline its operations and reduce costs.
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Business and Finance Committee Tuition Recommendations

The Business and Finance Committee of the Tennessee Board of Regents today voted to recommend to the full board that tuition at five TBR universities (APSU, ETSU, MTSU, TSU, and TTU) be increased by 6% beginning this fall, with tuition at the University of Memphis increasing by 7%. A 6% tuition increase is recommended at all community colleges and technology centers. Tuition at the U of M Law School would increase by 14%, at the ETSU school of medicine by 5%, and at the ETSU School of Pharmacy by 9%.
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TBR Wins CIO 100 Award

CIO magazine has announced the Tennessee Board of Regents, the State University and Community College System of Tennessee, is a recipient of a 2008 CIO 100 award. The 21st annual award program recognizes organizations around the world, including those from the private business sector, that exemplify the highest level of operational and strategic excellence in information technology (IT). TBR was recognized for its outstanding success in implementing the Banner® administrative software system.


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