June Quarterly Meeting

RLocker's picture

No tuition or fee increase for students at Tennessee's community & technical colleges for Academic Year 2020-21: TN Board of Regents

Jackson State Classroom

Students attending Tennessee’s public community colleges and colleges of applied technology will see no tuition or fee increase during the upcoming academic year as a result of action today by the Tennessee Board of Regents.

RLocker's picture

Tennessee Board of Regents to meet June 18-19. Agenda includes tuition, fees, budgets for Academic Year 2020-21

The Tennessee Board of Regents will convene its regular quarterly meeting June 18-19, with an agenda that includes consideration of tuition, fees and budgets for the 2020-21 academic year.

The Board of Regents governs Tennessee’s 13 community colleges and 27 colleges of applied technology.

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