TBR - College System of Tennessee

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Board of Regents approves new career programs, name change for TCAT Crossville, fee revisions

Tennessee Board of Regents to meet Oct. 31 to consider criteria for next president of TCAT Memphis

The Tennessee Board of Regents approved new career and technical education programs at four technical college campuses, a name change for Tennessee College of Applied Technology Crossville, a revised fee schedule, and other items on its quarterly meeting agenda Wednesday.

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Board of Regents quarterly meeting is March 27. Agenda includes non-mandatory fee proposals, launch of data dashboard with employment and earnings outcomes, proposed name change for TCAT Crossville.

Tennessee Board of Regents to meet Oct. 31 to consider criteria for next president of TCAT Memphis

NASHVILLE (March 21, 2024) -- The Tennessee Board of Regents will hold its spring quarterly meeting March 27, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT at the TBR system office, 1 Bridgestone Park, Nashville, 37214. The meeting will also be livestreamed and archived on the TBR website at https://www.tbr.edu/board/march-2024-quarterly-board-meeting.

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Tennessee’s community and technical colleges honor veterans, including 37 recipients of the Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans for 2023

Jackson State Community College honors its veterans

Tennessee’s community and technical colleges are honoring veterans of military service – including students, faculty, staff and alumni – in Veterans Day activities this week. As part of those ceremonies, one veteran at each college is awarded the Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans, a special recognition launched four years ago by Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor Flora W. Tydings.

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Dual enrollment of high school students in Tennessee’s community & technical colleges increased 68 percent since 2015

Dual enrollment at Tennessee's public community & technical colleges

The number of high school students dual-enrolled in Tennessee’s community and technical colleges has increased 68 percent from Fall 2015 to Fall 2022 – the fastest growing group of students on the college campuses.

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Regina Watkins appointed TBR Director of Veteran Enrollment & Benefits; newly created position to support veterans enrolling at Tennessee’s community & technical colleges

Regina Watkins appointed Director of Veteran Enrollment & Benefits

Regina Watkins has been appointed director of veteran enrollment and benefits at TBR – The College System of Tennessee. In this new role, Watkins will work directly with the System’s 13 community colleges and 24 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology across the state to support their School Certifying Officers (SCOs) in administering veteran education benefits. 

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Board of Regents quarterly meeting is Dec. 1. Agenda includes appointment of new presidents of TCATs Athens & Murfreesboro, financial reporting, new policies & programs, update on new TCAT at Ford’s Blue Oval City.

Tennessee Board of Regents to meet Oct. 31 to consider criteria for next president of TCAT Memphis

The Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) will hold its next quarterly meeting Dec. 1. The agenda includes consideration of the chancellor’s recommendations for the next presidents of the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCAT) at Athens and Murfreesboro, proposed new career and technical education programs, financial reporting, and an update on construction of the new TCAT campus at Ford’s Blue Oval City project.

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All 13 Tennessee community colleges are certified VETS Campuses, prioritizing services for veterans education

All 13 Tennessee community colleges are certified VETS Campuses

As Tennessee’s community and technical colleges honor veterans in their campus communities this week, they’re also celebrating the news that all 13 community colleges are now certified as VETS Campuses, a state program that recognizes their commitment to services that help veterans succeed as they pursue their education.

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Tennessee’s community and technical colleges honor veterans, including 39 recipients of the Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans for 2022

Chancellor's Commendation for Military Veterans

Tennessee’s community and technical colleges are honoring veterans on their campuses – students, faculty, staff and alumni – in Veterans Day activities this week. One veteran at each college will be awarded the Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans, a special recognition launched three years ago by Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor Flora W. Tydings.

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Board of Regents appoints Nathan Garrett president of Tennessee College of Applied Technology Nashville, approves criteria for next president of TCAT Morristown

The Tennessee Board of Regents today appointed Nathan Garrett president of the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Nashville, effective Jan. 5. He is currently TBR assistant vice chancellor for academic affairs and workforce alignment, and was interim president of TCAT McMinnville from July 2020 through September 2021.

Garrett succeeds the late Mark Lenz, TCAT Nashville’s president for 12 years who passed away Sept. 8.

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Tennessee's community and technical colleges collected 132,701 items, including cash, in 23rd Annual Food Drive Challenge

2021 Food Drive Challenge collects 132,701 items, including cash

Students, faculty and staff at Tennessee’s public community and technical colleges collected 132,701 food items, including cash donations, for food pantries on their campuses, and food banks and other organizations in their communities, during the College System of Tennessee’s 23nd Annual Food Drive Challenge.


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